There is no doubt that vision weekend 2023 was a fantastic time for us as a church. The comments, commitment, and community from that weekend were beyond our expectations.

But, there is a need to make sure it doesn't become the opposite of its intention: an event. If your thoughts have already turned to next year, what will be featured, and how we can "one up" this year, you may have missed the point.

You see, vision is a component of mission, and people who are excited about vision but not on mission need to see the vision correctly.

A good vision will inspire you to conspire!

We know that CrossPoint is where we want everyone to Love God, Grow Up and Serve All. Let's dream a little about how our vision weekend might translate to a personal on-mission direction.

To LOVE GOD is to respond to the love of the Father, worship Him in spirit and truth and follow through in obedience via baptism. If you love the church's vision but have never been baptized, you can fulfill all three of these elements with your one act. In your baptism, you are obedient, leading your whole congregation in beautiful worship and providing evidence of the amazing work of grace done in you! If you have been baptized, that is fantastic, but there may be someone you could urge to take that significant step.

To GROW UP means to enter into the disciplines of personal Bible study, prayer and participate in the community we call Grow Group. There are so many ways to live out the vision of CrossPoint as you Grow Up. Joining a Grow Group is a foundation for discipleship in our church, but maybe you need to embark on a season of learning how to be a better Bible student. Well, we'd love to resource you with Reading It Right and help you on your journey to grow (

To SERVE ALL is to serve inside and outside the church. Attending faithfully, giving to support ministries/future growth of the church and serving one another in the myriad of ways afforded to us in our weekly ministries is an excellent place for service to begin. 

But what does it mean to serve outside the church?

It could mean volunteering for some non-profit or participating in outreach through your Grow Group. But there is one way we all need to serve the lost world, by sharing our faith. Commit to learning how to use Three Circles evangelism, and then trust the Lord that He can do amazing things through you (

Vision weekend will only be a true success when it turns into a mission in our daily lives. Thank you so much for being a part of CrossPoint, and I look forward to seeing God do what only God can do through you!

Andy Addis