Guess what? It’s almost officially summer! For some, this doesn’t mean much. For others, this is the oasis in the desert you have been looking forward to for months. Either way, I want you to picture yourself in a boat and this summer as the ocean. As you look at all the vast possibilities of the endless sea it’s easy to find yourself at the end of summer regretting that you didn’t make the most of it. When it comes to your relationship with Jesus you don’t have to feel like it is competing with a busy summer schedule. In fact, this summer could be the season where you grow in the Lord like never before! To do that we need to be intentional. Let’s go!

Set The Direction

The first step is simple. Be proactive. Set the direction. The ocean of inconsistent schedules can be daunting. Don’t wait for the summer to arrive and just “go with the flow” spiritually. Regardless of how crazy your schedule may seem over the next couple of months you can have the stability and intentionality of helping your family press into Jesus. Here’s a tip. In the next few days schedule a time to sit down with your family to make goals for the summer. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Please don’t bring a 3 ring binder to this party. Keep it simple. Ask each family member to make a goal regarding their relationship with Jesus this summer. Maybe some will strive for consistency in prayer or Bible study. Others might want to be more courageous in sharing Jesus with their friends. Either way, help them to set the goal and come up with simple action steps to make it happen. Question #1: “What’s your goal spiritually this summer?” Question #2 “How are you going to get there?”

Set The Anchors

Don’t forget how easy it is to get pushed around by the waves of an inconsistent summer schedule. Luckily, in Christ we all have an anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:19). We all start summer with good intentions but all too often we find ourselves overwhelmed with the way it's going. Maybe it’s the busyness. Maybe it's laziness. Maybe it’s somewhere it’s both! Regardless, don’t forget to set the anchors that bring the family back to Jesus. Specifically, pick 2-3 “anchors” that will unite the family around Jesus regardless of schedule. This might include daily devotions at a certain time. Maybe it’s participation in your Grow Group or Sunday Worship Services. It might be a daily or weekly family huddle in the living room to ask how everyone is doing and to inquire how God is speaking to each family member. Use this time to follow up on goals. The anchors may look different for each family but don’t neglect them. The anchors will keep you grounded in the midst of an inconsistent schedule. Don’t wait until the waves of the storm come to decide where your anchors are. Find where they are before you leave the shore!

Set The Sails

Don’t let the anxiety of anticipation stop you from enjoying this summer. For some, you have been planning your summer events for months as a coping mechanism to make it through winter. For others, you are anticipating your summer to be like a rodeo and you are just trying to hold on for 8 seconds. Yet others are anticipating a relaxing change of pace. Regardless of your mindset, don't forget to simply set the sails and relax. Let God provide the power to guide the ship. Every season has obstacles and opportunities. Just set sail. Go outside. Enjoy nature. Plant a garden. Go for walks. Enjoy God’s creation. Remember, it’s better to praise God for the things you see along the journey than to sit in wonder at the starting line of life. 

Set The Pace

Don’t be scared to adjust. Sometimes summer starts fast and ends slow. Sometimes you need to change the pace in the middle of the race. That’s ok! Don’t hesitate to call an audible and gather the family together to explain the changes and why they are needed. This isn’t failure, this is foresight. If you see things are getting out of control or the schedule is too crazy, listen to the Holy Spirit and adjust accordingly. Remember, your family won’t remember the logistics of the schedule as much as they will remember the leadership of the schedule maker. 

Ryan Booth