It can be easy to point a finger at things that bother us in the culture, I know how quick I can be to complain at times. What if instead of just complaining, we noted the noble things that are worth participating in? To be winsome for Christ in a culture that doesn’t know him, we must be known for what we’re for more than what we are against. 

One of the things we should be all for as followers of Christ is Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday on November 28th will be a one day nudge in our culture to think outside of themselves for the sake of others. There is a collective understanding in our society that causes worth advancing always require generosity.

As Christians, we know that the greatest cause is the cause of Christ. God has always built his kingdom through sacrificial generosity. Jesus sacrificed everything, and in response, we get to join him in a life of generous sacrifice. When we understand what Christ has done for us, what once felt like an obligation will start to feel like an opportunity. Jesus and His cause is worth every sacrifice we make!

As disciples making disciples, we are committed to be a church planting church. In order to reach rural Kansas for Christ, we envision being 20 CrossPoint locations by the year 2030. We know this is audacious. We know this will come at a cost. We know that sacrifice will be required to see God’s kingdom advanced. We know that Jesus is worth it.

To this end we are seeking to raise $75,000 this Giving Tuesday. These funds will help us continue to develop leaders and plant churches to make more disciples of Jesus. We know this is a big sacrifice, but the cause is worth it. Thank you for praying, thank you for giving, thank you for going. We are better together!

You can give to The Harvester Foundation at:

Jason Waller