Jesus says that three times in this one short teaching from Matthew 6.

But, a command to “Not be anxious” is hard to obey when you’re... uh, already anxious.

Thankfully Jesus didn’t just leave us with a negative command (what not to do), but gave us a positive command (what to do) in that same passage so we could get past the anxiety.

Matthew 6:33 (ESV): But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 

Anxiety is a close cousin to fear and focuses on what you don’t have, perceived needs, impending loss, etc.

But, Jesus tells us to focus on something else: the Kingdom of God.

Rather than spending your life with the anxieties of your life, Jesus invites us His life; to a life given to Him, His work and His Kingdom.

In this work we always have Who we need and what we need to do whatever we’re called to do... minus the worry.

Today, when you sense some anxiety, ask God what He has for you next for you and seek first Him and His Kingdom. It’s a much better place to live.

Andy Addis